Tips for successfully integrating a second cat into the home

The arrival of a new cat into a home where a feline already lives can be a source of joy, but also challenges. Harmonious cohabitation between the two animals requires careful introduction and adaptation. This article offers a detailed roadmap to ease this transition.


Step 1: Preparation before arrival

Before bringing home a new cat, it is essential to prepare the environment and the resident cat. Create a separate space for the new arrival, including a litter box, food, water, and toys. This preparation helps minimize stress for both parties and establish a sense of security for the newcomer.

Step 2: Initial Introduction

The first introduction must be carried out carefully. Use a physical divider, such as a screen door, to allow cats to see and smell each other without direct contact. This stage allows cats to get used to each other's presence without the tension of a face-to-face encounter.

Step 3: Interaction under supervision

Gradually allow more direct interactions under close supervision. Shared play sessions and meals can encourage positive associations. Observe cats' body languages ​​for signs of relaxation or tension, adjusting interactions accordingly.

Step 4: Increase in contacts

As cats become more comfortable around each other, gradually increase the time they spend together without direct supervision. Continue to provide separate spaces if necessary, allowing cats to choose whether to engage or move away.


Integrating a new cat into a household with an existing cat requires patience and perseverance. By following these steps, you can help ensure a smooth transition and build a positive relationship between your feline companions.


  • Bradshaw, J. (2013). Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet. London: Penguin Books. An in-depth exploration of feline behavior that sheds light on how cats perceive their world.
  • Moesta, A., & Crowell-Davis, S. (2011). "Introducing a New Cat to an Existing Household Cat". Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 41(6), 1049-1065. A practical study on the best methods for introducing a new cat into a household already occupied by a cat.
  • Rodan, I., & Heath, S. (2015). Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare. St. Louis: Elsevier Health Sciences. This book offers strategies for preventing and managing behavioral problems in cats, including introducing new cats to the household.